Midterm season has left students stressed, exhausted and defeated, but spring break will be here before we know it. Whether you’re traveling far or just headed home to relax, everyone is counting down the days until the break finally begins. The only question left is: what should I pack?
A typical college break hotspot is Fort Lauderale. It’s a great place to rent an Airbnb and spend the week relaxing at the beach. Sophomore psychology major Mia Harden is flying down with a bunch of her friends, who all chipped in to get a house together. She’s making sure to pack all the necessities; tank tops, dresses, flip flops, shorts, sunglasses and sunscreen.
“I’m taking lots of bathing suits,” Harden emphasized.
Sophomore communications major Lauren Becker is joining Harden and clarified that she will not be packing any bath towels, as they are provided, but will bring some beach towels. She also wants to take a speaker to play music when they’re at the beach.
“I want to take sneakers too for hot girl walks of course,” Becker added.
While movies love to portray college spring break as a ton of kids on a beach partying, the reality is that this is not in the cards for a lot of people. Tropical vacations are expensive, and not everyone has the luxury to spend money on a trip like this.
The truth is that this type of vacation is not the only option– in fact there are a ton of other exciting ways to spend your break.
Sophomore public policy major Sami Vogts studied abroad during winter break and wasn’t too excited about spending another week on the go. Instead, she wanted time to spend at home with her family to decompress. She still wanted to plan a quick weekend getaway, so she and her home friend decided to plan a road trip to Charleston for the weekend.
“It’s about an 8 hour drive, but I just thought it would be fun to get away for a little and this was the easiest way to do it,” Vogts explained.
Vogts wants to take pictures and will probably go out to dinner at least once while she’s there, which means she will be sure to pack one to two fancier outfits for the weekend.
Another great way to spend your break is to visit friends. Maybe you have a friend who goes to another college who is not on spring break that you can stay with for a few days. Or you can visit a college friend’s hometown.
Throw some pajamas, jeans,and some shirts into a bag and your set. Whoever you’re visiting will probably have things you could borrow so I wouldn’t stress too much about packing.
Even if you’re staying home to relax this spring break, make sure to take the time to yourself and relieve the built up stress from the semester. After all, we have a week off of school; we might as well take advantage of it.